About me

Hi everyone, thanks for visiting my site. My name is Katie and I’m vegan and I love fitness! Going vegan has been a fairly recent thing for me (January 2020) but I’ve been interested in fitness for many many years. Follow my journey as I attempt to figure out what vegan foods will best help me in my quest to be healthy and fit.


Me and my wife Hannah (I’m on the right)


My Story

I’ve been vegan since January 2020, I spent the year before as a vegetarian but before that I was a massive meat eater.

I’ve always considered myself an animal lover (especially dogs, I love my sausage dog Rio) and it got to the point in late 2018 that I felt like a hypocrite calling myself an animal lover whilst tucking into a beef burger! So I decided to go vegetarian at the start of 2019.


Me and Rio



After watching documentaries such as “What the health” and “Game changers” I felt I could do even more so I decided to go vegan at the start of 2020, and I’ve never looked back! I’ve never felt better or more healthy and I’m in the best shape of my life, even at 40! I also feel like I’m doing my bit for the planet.

I started strength training at the start of 2020 as well which has really helped me tone up. Previous to that I would do cardio to exercise (hiit workouts, running) but thought I’d give strength training a go as running wasn’t getting me toned.

Now I definitely wouldn’t describe myself as muscly, but I’m way more toned than I was and I do have some muscle definition now.

Why I want to help you

I truly believe that going plant based is the best way to get in shape whilst helping to not kill our lovely planet.

Since the start of 2020 I’ve lost a stone and a half (21 pounds or 6.3kg) through diet and exercise. I’ve gone from 10 stone to 8.5 stone in 8 months and some of that has been due to not eating meat or any animal products.

I’ve gone from this (please excuse the background, I never thought I’d be posting these photos for everyone to see!)


To this:

I’ve been on quite a journey discovering which beans are best and which is the best vegan chocolate (no, you don’t need to give up chocolate to go vegan) so I want to help you start (or continue) your vegan journey.

I’ve also discovered different ways to get in shape, some may help you with your fitness journey.


My goal

I know how hard it is to stay motivated and reach your goal. Whether it’s to lose weight, get in shape or eat healthier I want to help you achieve it. I’m sharing my journey with you so hopefully it will help you get started with yours or keep you on track when you’re flagging!

I’m definitely not an expert when it comes to being vegan or working out but you might pick up something from one of my articles, and I might learn something from you if you decide to get in touch or leave a comment, win-win!

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best,


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