Category: Health

Why is quinoa healthy

Quinoa. What is it, why is quinoa healthy and more importantly…. ….how the hell do you pronounce it? This is what I’ll be covering in today’s article as well as some recipe ideas. For years I pronounced quinoa quee-noah but when it became more common I heard it being pronounced as keen-wah, so that’s what

How to not gain weight over the holidays

So December is here which means Christmas (and Santa) is coming! It’s the time of year we all like to enjoy ourselves and perhaps eat and drink a little more than usual. But with all this excess eating and drinking we need to know how to not gain weight over the holidays. I certainly don’t

Why should I become a vegan

Are you asking yourself why should I become a vegan? Well read on for the reasons why I became a vegan at the start of 2020 and the reasons you should become vegan too. But first the reason why I’m writing about becoming a vegan today. It’s been a little while since I’ve written an

Benefit of exercise to mental health

Before I go into the benefit of exercise to mental health I’m going to start off this article by saying if you are struggling with your mental health right now and need help please reach out to someone. A friend, family member, doctor, neighbour, colleague or Bob that you sometimes see walking the dog. Even

Walking Workouts To Lose Weight

Are you looking to lose weight without the need for high intensity training like hit, running or weight lifting? Whilst all these are good for weight loss, toning and keeping fit they’re not for everyone. You can lose weight by doing lower intensity exercises like walking workouts to lose weight, anything that burns calories will

Is Avocado Good For Your Health

As I was sitting enjoying my bagel with avocado this morning I thought I really should write an article on the health benefits of avocados, as there are so many. Plus avocados are delicious so should be part of any healthy diet, especially a vegan diet. If you’re thinking of going vegan but don’t know

How to start going vegan?

How to start going vegan You’ve made the (amazing but scary!) decision to go vegan. Well done, I salute you! Now you need to know how to start going vegan?     Where do you start? If you’re making the transition from being vegetarian it’ll probably be easier (unless you can’t live without cheese?), if