Best vegan food gifts

It’s that time of year again that we’re trying to think of great ideas for gifts for the special people in our lives. I only went vegan in January this year so this will be my first vegan Christmas, so I thought I’d put together the best vegan food gifts for Christmas. If you’re thinking of going vegan have a read of this to see the difference you will make. First let’s look at what it is to be vegan in the first place.

What is veganism

Reasons to be vegan-the exploitation of bees

Being vegan is similar to being vegetarian but goes further in that we don’t eat any animal product at all, whereas vegetarians don’t eat meat or fish they still eat dairy and eggs. Vegans believe that the animals shouldn’t be used for their meat or their milk because they have to endure lives of suffering to give us that. This extends to not eating honey either due to the exploitation of bees. If you’re thinking of going vegan but don’t know where to start try reading this.

Vegan Christmas gift ideas

Now unfortunately us vegan are pretty hard to buy for (sorry guys!). We’re generally more conscious about the environment and our carbon footprint so buying us ethically sourced gifts is a must. The good news is most vegan gifts are made by people who do care about the planet so it’s likely that the gifts you’re buying will be ethically sourced/ manufactured with minimal biodegradable packaging. Let’s look at some Christmas gift ideas for food loving vegans.

Just so you know the rest of this post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Full disclosure here. You will not pay more for any items purchased using these links (it just helps me to continue writing great content). Not all the links are affiliate links, some are just great products I love.


Best vegan food gifts

Now I am a bit of a foodie and I didn’t realise before I went vegan that so many of the things I love contain dairy and eggs. So they were off the list, I then had to find vegan alternatives to the things I love (mainly chocolate!). The great thing is with veganism becoming more and more popular we’re being catered for a lot more meaning there’s some really good gift options available.


Vegan hampers

Instead of buying one thing here and another thing there why not buy everything together in a vegan hamper? Yes you’ll probably pay more for someone putting it together in a nice box/wicker hamper but it’ll look amazing and it’s a lovely gift. Let’s look at some.


Best vegan gifts - vegan hamper

This is a truly luxurious vegan hamper containing a large panettone, a mini panettone, biscotti biscuits, and two jars of chocolate spread (one mylk, one dark). Every item in this hamper looks divine and the seller is very active answering questions very quickly, which to me is the sign of a good seller.



Going for the more healthy snacks kind of hamper this is perfect for the health conscious vegan. It contains Incan organic red quinoa, Tunisian hand rolled cous cous, French olives, BjornQorn popcorn, dried blueberries and cranberries, Brownwoods farms blueberry premium pie filling and topping, and Coops vegan hot fudge. This is worth buying just for the hot fudge, sounds even better than a hot chocolate!


Vegan chocolate gifts

Just because we’re vegan doesn’t mean we have to miss out on chocolate. It’s easy to take out the dairy milk and replace it with almond milk, coconut milk or even hazelnut paste (like Galaxy do). Here are my top picks.


Booja – Booja do a range of vegan, organic, soy and gluten free truffles. You can buy their Wonderbox of 20 dark chocolate truffles, it’s their selection box which contains the flavours roasted Italian hazelnut, chewy, gooey sea salted caramel, roasted almond swoons, ginger, Mexican coffee, and tangy rhubarb (these are all amazing!) Or if you fancy a particular flavour you can also buy their espresso, almond salted caramel, fine de champagne or hazelnut crunch boxes.


Apart from the fact I love the catchy name of the company, these truffles come in a range of flavours so have something to suit everyone. Coffee, grand mariner, salted caramel, raspberry and “milk” fudge. They’re available in a box of 15 and a box of 24 (for if you really want to treat someone, or yourself!). They’re vegan, kosher, peanut free, nut free, soy free, gluten free, and sesame free.


Other vegan food gifts

Available in the UK and the US

I love a bit of tofu. It’s so versatile you can pretty much do anything with it. Have it in a stir-fry, a curry, scramble it for breakfast or bake it to put in a sandwich. I bloody love it! But what I don’t love is having to wrap it in a tea towel, put two books on top of it, then wait 20 minutes for the damm water to be squeezed out! And even then it’s still a bit soggy. Unless you own a tofu press. These will literally squeeze every last drop of water out of your tofu leaving it nice and firm and ready to absorb all the flavours you’re about to add to it. A must in every vegan kitchen.


Vegan Cook books

Available in the UK and the US


I bought this vegan cookbook when I first went vegan in January 2020 and it has some amazing recipes in! I’ve made the crispy chilli tofu a few times and I was pleasantly surprised when not only did it taste amazing but it also looked like the photo. I was amazed! For our anniversary my wife made the lasagne and the cauliflower buffalo bites, both of which tasted restaurant quality, and looked amazing as well! It’s a great cookbook for quick dishes but also for grand dishes you would make if you had friends over, it’s a good all-rounder with something for every skill level.


Have you found the best vegan food gift?

I hope I’ve given you some inspiration for some vegan gift ideas. We’re actually not that hard to buy for with a lot more choice for gifts these days. And the more people go vegan the more products and gift ideas there will be. If you don’t know where to start with going vegan read this.

Did you find this article useful? What vegan gifts have you bought this year? Maybe I can include them on my list for next year. Let me know by commenting below.

Merry Christmas


2 thoughts on “Best vegan food gifts

  • kyle Mooney
    February 7, 2021 at 12:12 am

    Hey I’m huge into fitness and there so many articles highlighting the pros on going vegan but I think a lot of them can be bias it’d be cool if you could make a post that highlights reasons to go vegan almost like a pros and cons as its’s definitely something I’m looking into.

    • Katie
      February 7, 2021 at 10:58 am

      Hi Kyle

      Thanks for commenting and love that you’re into fitness too! I live and breathe it and being vegan definitely doesn’t negatively effect my workouts and performance. I actually feel stronger and fitter since going vegan.

      I think the reason people are so bias towards going vegan when they write about it is because it’s something they feel so strongly about, me included. It’s almost like “why would you not want to go vegan?” For me and so many other vegans the only downside is the potential lack of certain vitamins like B12, which can be easily solved by taking a B12 supplement. Being vegan is better for your health, your conscious, animal cruelty and the planet.

      You might find these other articles I’ve written useful:

      Why should I become a vegan

      How to start going vegan

      All the best on your fitness (and hopefully vegan) journey


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